Downloadable posters, and shareables – share away!

Suggested information to include in social and other media:
- Perinatal mental health issues are more common than you think – 1 in 5 birth parents and 1 in 10 non-birth parents experience problematic symptoms of anxiety and depression during the perinatal period. If you think you could be experiencing this head to to take the test and find out more. #AreYou1in5
- Perinatal mental health issues don’t just affect new mums, it can happen to all sorts of parents: dads and non-birth parents, sex, sexuality, and/or gender diverse parents, as well as foster carers, adoptive parents, and extended family. Head to to take the test and find out more. #AreYou1in5
- If you’re worried about a partner, family member, or friend, there are loads of things you can do to support them. Check out our Stress Less Tips to find out ways you can support someone you care about here #AreYou1in5
- Did you know that over 100,000 families across Australia are affected by Perinatal Depression and Anxiety each year? To find out more, head to #AreYou1in5
- PNDA is tough, but people who experience it can still be effective, compassionate caregivers – and early support is key. Take the test and find out more. #AreYou1in5